Bonnie's Sweet Breakfast Casserole

Bonnie's Sweet Breakfast Casserole

1 can cinnabuns, cut into 1/2 inch pieces                                                      1 extra large can peaches
6 pieces of bread, cut into 1/2 inch pieces                                                     4 large eggs
1/4 cup milk                                                                                                   1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon vanilla                                                                                       butter or spray for pan


Preheat oven to 350. Prepare the pan with either butter or spray (thoroughly coat)

In bowl mix cinnamon, vanilla, eggs, and milk. Dip bread into egg mix, lay bread on the pan, spread out. Lay peaches on bread, cinnamon roll bits on top. 

Bake 45-55 minutes until a fork comes out clean and egg is cooked. 

Add cinnamon icing to top. Serve hot

**I like mine with the apple topping recipe found here
